ThePriceWatcher - The personalized pricing intelligence solution - The inteligent tool for checking and monitoring price

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FMVeilleMarketing, ThePriceWatcher personalized price intelligence solution

With the proliferation of online shopping sites, managers of commercial sites no longer able to follow the price changes of their products from their competitors. 

As everyone knows, the use of price comparison B to C is completely distorted, this is where ThePriceWatcher intervenes ... 

ThePriceWatcher is therefore aimed to ALL online retailers who do not want to waste their time or that of their employees to monitor price developments of their competitors. 

ThePriceWatcher IS NOT A COMPARATOR, its intelligent system will recover all the information directly to the source, on the sites of your competitors (or not referencing any stream). 

ThePriceWatcher is used to quickly monitor, and without human constraint, unlimited references products on as many sites as you wish.

ThePriceWatcher don't dependent on any platform (Magento, PrestaShop or other ...), ThePriceWatcher is IN-DE-PEN-DENT and recover any price you choose. 

With this comprehensive monitoring of prices, ThePriceWatcher analyze the positioning of your competitors, to react immediately and improve your margins by managing your pricing. 

Moreover, according to a study Rakuten, the price is the 1st online purchase criterion for 61% of Internet users! With ThePriceWatcher you get a daily view on tariff changes for ALL of your competitors on the Internet, and you are alerted in real time to the strategic evolution of your competitors.

Because of its architecture, ThePriceWatcher fits all merchant sites, ThePriceWatcher IS NOT A COMPARATOR, it's an analysis tool that will seek information directly from the source, on the sites of your competitors. Contact us for more information and to obtain a personalized quote.

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